Mission Accomplished

Baconalen here with the latest news. It may or may not have crossed your mind that I had been designing a video game based on our Quest for Triumph video. In a period of about two weeks I completed it and sent the game to some marshmallow fellow. The game is roughly between 3-5 hours in gameplay unless you’re one-handed, in which case I suppose you’d double the time and fun.

Anyways that is said and done so now the question was… do I make another game? Well, after much discussing, planning and brainstorming with my other broskys and sisky the answer was no, I mean yes. The ideas aren’t out the roof yet but I have begun making the basic stuff for this new game. With the assistance of the Baqueen and our marshmallowy friend I will begin the new masterpiece which right now is simply titled BSE Game but that will probably change Continue reading

The Quest For Triumph: Interactive Edition!

Hey, what’s up, Baconites? Enjoying a little bit of relaxation time after the hectic chaos of the holidays, in the lull before New Years Eve?

I bet you have a bit of time to spare, don’t you?

How about trying the fancy new BSE game which Baconalen has chosen to provide us with? Consider it his Christmas present to you! That’s right, now you, too, can participate in all the epic wonders of The Quest For Triumph! Maybe you will even be triumphant. Who knows? It’s best if you try and find out!


The Quest for Triumph

Minimum Requirements

  • A WINDOWS computer that can display graphics. On a screen that is at least a few pixels in dimension.
  • A handful of megabytes of extra room on your hard drive.
  • Your handy-dandy Questing Kit (surely you have one…)


What’s this? Did Tyrone finally post something on this fantastic website of delicious bacon? Well, the answer is yes. You see kids, as a professional slacker/procrastinator it is my job to push things off until I finally can’t ignore the problem anymore. Coincidentally, that is what I want to talk to you all about right now. And it wasn’t a coincidence, just a really bad joke that is actually hilarious.  Maybe I’ll give you some tasty pointers on how to take your procrastination skills to the next level. Just listen and follow these 5 steps and you too, could be a master procrastinator. The first thing is real easy. Whenever someone asks you to do something, just say you’ll get to it eventually. That way… I’ll finish this later.

Making Progress

Your friendly neighbour hood Calen here. Anyways I figured I would give a Christmas gift to you kids out there, an update about the game I’m making. As many of you know I have taken it upon myself to make a game about The Quest for Triumph. About a week ago I got my hands on an old game making engine which I was somewhat familiar with, RPG maker. In other words I am now developing an RPG (not a rocket-propelled grenade) Continue reading

The Use Of Bacon

Well I would say that Bacon is more than just a food, it is a way of life! The bacon that flows within our veins powers us to make our videos and energizes our minds! The use of bacon is like the use of Chuck Norris! You might think that all this is terribly impossible, but have you seen our videos? I mean even while watching our videos, you will begin to taste bacon! It’s a wonderful experience! Bacon…… just the sound reminds me of it’s sizzling, sweet aroma. Without the use of bacon, your glass ain’t half full–it’s half empty! If you don’t like bacon then I would be very careful, ’cause guess what? Chuck Norris likes bacon! Yes, I did use the term “bacon” 8 times , but it changes LIVES!

Well if you don't like bacon, it was nice knowing ya!
Bacon + Chuck Norris = OH BOY!

Video Game!?

Good ol’ Calen’s gonna throw in his two cents again but before I do that I wanted to make a new post. As the title implies this may have something to do with video games. This concerns a brand new idea that might not work. Don’t know how it will work. I wonder if it’s even of any benefit to us. As a matter of fact you shouldn’t bother reading this.

Anyways moving on to this awesome idea. I used to do the whole video game designing shpeel and the thought came what if I experimented with that whole bean salad and the hilariousness known as Bacon Strip Empire. What I would like to try is to make a game based on one of our award winning films we have made. I would merely need to get my hands on some video game making goodness. Continue reading