[Behind the Scenes] The Quest For Triumph

Calen Directing TQFT

The Quest For Triumph was definitely one to go down in the history books of Bacon Strip Empire. We finally wrote something down for one of our videos before filming. It was a little new to us, this whole scripting things, but we think it made things a lot better for this video. In the above shot, Calen is cracking his whip at the lowly people without a “script.”


Discussing a scene in TQFT

Here, once again Calen is directing the scene to Tyrone and Mico.


King Tortulius

Calen is portraying poor King Tortulius


Gun-Smoke Tommy in TQFT

Tyrone as Gun-Smoke Tommy


Gun-Slinger Willis

Tyrone as Gunslinger Willis

Princess Allsion in TQFT

Allison as Princess Allsion (And yes, that “typo” was intentional. Calen misspelled the name in production so many times that we decided to keep it.)


Grunch in TQFT

Mico as Grunch, the Russian henchman


Sir Woofums in TQFT

Walker as Sir Woofums, Princess Allsion’s loyal companion


Prince Patrick in TQFT

Taran as Prince Patrick


Elburt in TQFT

Taran as Elburt, the German henchman


Sgt. Seafore in TQFT

And finally, Mico as Sargent Seafore

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